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Advice On Internet Personals


"I was skeptical about online personals site, but you folks have proven me wrong, I've met the most incredible man, Steve from your site. Thanks, Dreampal", Rachel

Safety First - An online guide to dating safely

While Online Dating is fun and exciting, we all need to use common sense and take precautions. There are a few simple rules:

  1. Don't divulge too much personal information initially. Innocent comments about the area in which you live, where you work or the type of car you drive provides more information than you may intend. Remember, once you've given information, you can't take it back. Think twice and read your message again before you hit the Send key.
  2. Protect your personal and work email addresses. The importance of anonymous email that we are offering cannot be stressed enough. Our Anonymous Email Forwarding Program will ensure the person with whom you are corresonding will only know you by your username as long as you don't give out your email address in your correspondence. If you do choose to give out a personal email address, it is very wise to create a separate email address used exclusively for online personals. NEVER use your personal, home or business email address.
  3. There comes a time when you've sent as many emails as you possibly can and , you've chatted online for months. Now it's time to meet - face to face. As nervous as you may be, keep a level head and be prepared. Let someone else know where you are going and with whom you'll be. It's also a good idea to call this person when you are finished with your date, if only to let them know you had a great time! Meet somewhere neutral - a restaurant or bookstore for example. Make sure it's a place where there are sure to be other people. Never give out your address or allow your date to pick you up at home. You're not being paranoid, just cautious.
  4. Be honest. No way around it, honesty is the best policy. It can be very easy and tempting to 'gild the lily' when emailing or chatting with someone online. Everyone wants to be seen in the very best light and no one likes to talk about their faults. Truth be told, everyone has them and it's best to be honest and up front. It's one smart way to avoid disappointment later

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